This is a guest post by Tara Stoddard Presentation and Functionality plays in every part of our lives. Kinda like my grandma always said. “Your porch is the window into your home.” Humm you say, how does that fit into firearm cleaning and maintenance? Your guns appearance and the way it functions shows dedication to […]
How Important Is Bore Lapping?
Bore lapping is an old technique that is used to help make bore cleaning easier, make it less likely to foul, and to improve overall accuracy. Bores can be uneven and rough in the inside of the cylinder, even fresh from the factory. Bore lapping is a way of breaking in the barrel to get […]
7 Essential Tips for Gun Maintenance
This is a guest post by Michelle Custodio Ok, so you’ve obtained your CCW – your reliable pistol that you put in a ton of time practicing using top notch defensive ammo. Now, all that’s left is to load up, holster your equalizer and you’re off to the races right? Answer is “hell yes” but […]
CherryBalmz Weapon Lubricant Review
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard CherryBalmz Weapon Lubricant Review Let’s talk about something that’s important to all of us when it comes to our firearms: Reliability. Whether you are a competitive shooter or you carry your weapon for self-defense or your job, you still rely on the weapon to do what it […]
Doing a CCW Check
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Doing a Pre-Flight CCW Check If you carry a (semi-auto) handgun on a daily basis, you need to remember that it is a finely tuned machine that requires a certain amount of maintenance and care to function. We want to make sure we take proper care of […]
How to Clean Pistol Magazines
Many people spend a lot of time learning to how to clean their firearm, but don’t know how to clean pistol magazines. Of course you know that the magazine is a key part of the firearm and if you don’t take care of them will let you down when you need it.
How to Clean a Glock
If you are new to guns, you might not know all the tricks on how to clean a Glock.
Professional Gun Cleaning Secrets
I received my Professional Gun Cleaning Secrets DVD from the American Gun Smith Institute a while back and wanted to give you an idea of what was inside of it.
How to Clean a Pistol
You can have the best pistol in the world and train all day but if your firearm isn’t maintained properly it may not work when you need it. We found a great video on how to clean a pistol.
A Woman’s Gun Guide to Cleaning and Maintaining Her Firearm – Part 1
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard A Woman’s Gun Guide Presentation and Functionality plays in every part of our lives. Kinda like my grandma always said. “Your porch is the window into your home.” Hmm you say, how does that fit into firearm cleaning and maintenance? Your gun’s appearance and the way it […]
How to Keep Your Rifle Healthy
“I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready.” excerpt from the Rifleman’s Creed We found a good video on how to maintain your rifle. This touches on a couple points on proper barrel and action cleaning that you don’t hear much about.
Gun Cleaning 101
Here is a good guide to Gun Cleaning 101. If you got guns you got to clean them – at least every once in a while. I found a good video to give you an intro to what you need to know about gun cleaning. I agree with a lot of what he talks about.
Self-Defense Handgun Mechanical Function Check
Nice article over on Safety Solutions Academy. Most home defense guns will end up setting around for months if not years on end before being used in an emergency. You always should do a function check every month or so. Mechanical Function Check One of the primary considerations in a self-defense handgun is the reliability […]