This is a guest post by Jennifer Just the other day, I was digging through a post on an archery forum. The members were discussing the relevance of bow and arrow in a modern world surrounded by guns.
A Woman’s Guide To Cleaning And Maintaining Her Firearm
This is a guest post by Tara Stoddard Presentation and Functionality plays in every part of our lives. Kinda like my grandma always said. “Your porch is the window into your home.” Humm you say, how does that fit into firearm cleaning and maintenance? Your guns appearance and the way it functions shows dedication to […]
How Safe is to Carry a Concealed Carry Handbag?
This is a guest post by Lisa Megan Women love their handbags more than anything else exists in this world. It’s just not an customary bag for them in fact, they consider it as the essential part of their body. The trend of carrying concealed carry bag is getting popular among them these days.
Concealed Carry Fashion Show 2017
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard It has been all over the news the last few years how more and more women are buying and using guns in the United States. There has also been a surge in women only shooting groups. Gun Powder Gals, founded by Candy Sugarman, a former anti-gunner is […]
Comfort-Air Bodyband Review
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard TODAY, there are more and more women and men who choose to conceal carry. As a woman who conceal carries myself, often times it is hard to find just the right holster that offers safety, comfort and allows you to wear normal clothing without the holster PRINTING.
Women’s Concealed Carry Issues
We’ve taken heat for saying that there are different issues for male and female shooters. Let the critics say what they want – Men and Women are different and there are things that women have to think of that men don’t.
3 Great Concealed Carry Guns for Women
We’ve talked about this many times – men and women are different. That’s pretty obvious. So why not make a distinction between concealed carry guns for women and men?
Decorating a Gun or “Gun-oration”
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard Decorating a Gun You’ve found your perfect gun. Now you’d like to personalize it. There are a few simple and affordable things you can do yourself for customizing your firearm. First, you can start with some non-basic grip screws and side panel grips. You can choose color, […]
Stealthgear Onyx Holster Review
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard I’ve always known that looks can be deceiving. When I received the Stealthgear Onyx Holster for my Sig P238, my first thought was “it’s quite large and bulky”! I must say, it is the U.F.O of holsters.
The Disabled and Home Defense
by Home Defense Gun Staffer Travis The Disabled and Home Defense We live in a world that has an unfortunate amount of predators in it. Fortunately these two legged vermin are rare when compared to the rest of the populace, but they are still predators we should be aware of. Predators makes them sound dangerous, […]
Finding the Right Shotgun for a Woman
By Home Defense Gun Staffer Shana The Right Shotgun for a Woman More women these days are getting into shooting and hunting, which is a great thing. But finding the right gun, especially a shotgun, for a woman can be tricky at times. Many women borrow a gun from a man the first time they […]
Range Tip for Women (and Everyone)
Range Tip for Women (and Everyone) When you ask a lot of women why they don’t like shooting, you’ll hear, “It’s too loud,” quite a bit.
The Warrior Pack for Women
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard The Warrior Pack is a new style purse that has an adjustable strap system that allows you to change the way you carry the purse. The Warrior Pack and Sassy Pack allow you to change the way you carry them, eight different ways. Carry the pack as […]
Basic Rifle Techniques for Beginners
Rifles can be intimidating for beginners. They have a good kick to them and can be unforgiving to bad technique especially if you are trying to shoot standing. That’s why you need to know good basic rifle techniques.
Finding the Right Handgun for a Woman
Finding the right handgun for a woman can be a challenge. There’s a lot of advice out there some good, some bad. It’s not about male guns or female guns or black guns or pink guns. It’s all about what fits you and your lifestyle the best.
Grip, Stance and Sight Picture for Women
Of course everyone knows that women have different body types than men. That’s why a man’s grip, stance and sight picture might not work for a woman.
Introduction to Sight Alignment
Sight alignment, sight picture and trigger control are the keys to hitting what you are aiming at.
The Vixen Tank Top for Women’s CCW
This is a guest post by Tarra Stoddard CCW Wear for Women The Vixen tank top is a spandex blend material. It is a reversible underarm draw that comes in light or firm support. The firm support top banishes bulge with specialized compression panels.
Couples Carry – CCW and Your Spouse
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Couples Carry – CCW and Your Spouse As times become unpredictable and criminals are emboldened by weak laws and corrupt politicians, concealed carry of a firearm is rapidly rising across the nation. The fact that Americans are starting to take active self-protection measures is encouraging.
Purses for Concealed Carry
There are a lot of people who don’t advocate purses for concealed carry. I understand the thinking. It is easy to have the purse taken from you. At the same time, a lot of times women wear clothing (or lack of clothing) that makes it darn near impossible to carry on the body.
How to Choose a First Handgun for a Woman
If you are looking for a first handgun for a woman, you have a lot of choices. To make a good decision you have to know what you are planning to use it for.
How to Introduce Your Girl to Shooting
How to Introduce Your Girl to Shooting If you are one of the guys out there who like to shoot, it is a really good idea to introduce your lady to the shooting lifestyle. That way you and her can enjoy some time together and you can make sure she can defend herself if need […]
Women and CCW
Home Defense Gun Staffer Bob interviews a female friend of his on her thoughts on women and CCW. There are quite issues that women have to address when carry concealed – clothing, body shape to name a couple.
The Best Home Defense Caliber for Women
We have a lot of women readers here on Home Defense Gun. One of the questions that get asked a lot is, “What is the best home defense caliber for a woman.”