This is a guest post by Michelle Custodio
Ok, so you’ve obtained your CCW – your reliable pistol that you put in a ton of time practicing using top notch defensive ammo. Now, all that’s left is to load up, holster your equalizer and you’re off to the races right?
Answer is “hell yes” but with a timeframe contingency. At some point you will inevitable have to deal with your gun’s maintenance issues.
Ok, so you’ve obtained your CCW – your reliable pistol that you put in a ton of time practicing using top notch defensive ammo. Now, all that’s left is to load up, holster your equalizer and you’re off to the races right?Worry not. That is exactly why we put together a quick list of actionable tips for you to make into a habit, so both you and your gun can be Batman and Robin for a longer run.
- Carefully review the gun manual
This one seems obvious, but I know one too many gunners who just throw away their manual as soon as they open their box. My suggestion? Don’t throw it away like a bone-head. Read it and keep it safe because you never know when you will need to reference it. Knowledge of how your gun is assembled, reassembled, and kept in quality condition is imperative if one is to effectively maintain their firearm.
- Always unload the gun when not in use and before cleaning
Firearms must be unloaded before any attempt to clean them. This is how it is unloaded:
- Point the muzzle in a safe direction and ensure no finger is placed on the trigger to avoid pulling it.
- Slowly eject the magazine and empty the chamber and when done, conduct a double-checking.
- The safety of the cleaner is ensured by the removal of all the ammunition from the surroundings to prevent unexpected incidents. Lock away the ammunition in a cabinet inside the house before embarking on the cleaning task. Recheck the gun again to confirm that it is free from any ammunition.
- Wipe and scrub the entire gun
The components of the entire gun should be wiped as well. Some of them will require more attention because stubborn build ups tend to plug up the corners and in the chamber hence they may require more scrubbing and a good amount of solvent to break it down. Nevertheless, avoid the temptation of using a hard wired brush with metal bristles because it can damage your toy. Instead use an old toothbrush or something similar.
- Use clean patch surface when cleaning the barrel
Once the barrel is completely clean, dab it with a solvent-soaked cloth (make sure the solvent doesn’t harm your gun). Afterward, dab it with a cloth soaked with a lubricant to prevent the barrel from rusting and perhaps to give it an incredible look.
- Lubricate all necessary parts but do not use too much lubricant
Lubrication is one of the most vital gun maintenance procedures given that it yields out too much pressure when firing bullets. However, many gun owners tend to use excessive lubricant thinking that it will make the gun better. I reiterate: Do not make this mistake! This is simply not true. I recommend using only an appropriate amount of lubricant so that it will not impair your gun’s functionality.
Now you are wondering – what type of lubrication do I use and how much of it do I apply on my gun? My answer is it depends, that is why we can refer back to tip number 1; read your manual. It includes everything you need to know about choosing what type of lubrication and oil brands to use on your gun. Every gun is different, so do not make the mistake of just assuming you know which lubricant/oil is best for your gun.
- Add light grease on all sliding parts
It’s a hot debate in the gun community of whether it is good practice to use light oil on mechanical parts of the gun. People who speak against it believe it may tamper with the mechanics of the gun. However, I am with the camp that disagrees because from my experience I have only seen mechanical improvements achieved from applying a little bit of grease.
Apply light anti-corrosion oil on the aluminum/lithium parts of the gun. By doing so, you should feel an immediate improvement on the sliding parts of the gun. I like it because it makes my gun feel slicker than without the applied grease.To learn the right type of grease for your gun, we recommend referring to you manual or a gun expert.
- Avoid Ammo Recycling
Most shooters don’t have the funds to just have a way with expensive defensive ammo we use for carry, which means recycling the same cartridges over and over to make room for practice FMJ ammo. The more times a cartridge gets cycled out of a magazine or chamber, the greater the chance it will get damaged. I have quite often noticed that my “chamber round” gets set back in the case after banging against the feed ramp enough times. This can cause dangerous pressure issues.
Personally, that is why I shoot the ammo sitting in my pistol and always replace it with fresh bullets. It keeps my mind at ease knowing that my gun isn’t getting jammed up.
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In summary, my message is simple: take care of your gun because your gun takes care of you! Maintaining firearms regularly is a necessary safety and preventive measure. In the comments below, feel free to share some of your favorite tips for keeping your gun is tip-top shape.
Michelle Custodio – Authorized Boots
Featured Blogger on US Patriot Tactical, Real World Survivor, Apartment Prepper, The Military Guide, Survivalist Boards to name a few. Check us out at
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