This is a guest post by Andrew Betts What is barrier blind and why does it matter? Selecting defense ammunition can be a daunting task. Aside from the suspect “advice” you might receive from the smelly hill folk who like to hang out at gun shops and share their wisdom, manufacturers sometimes make some literally […]
A Biblical Perspective on Armed Self Defense
A Biblical Perspective on Armed Self Defense by Home Defense Gun Staffer Bob As a CCW instructor, I am asked a lot of interesting and thought provoking questions. Recently, I have been doing a lot of my classes for church groups, and many of the questions have centered on whether or not it is appropriate […]
Shooting a Gun Underwater
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts Shooting a Gun Underwater So you’re serving ice cream poolside at your kid’s birthday party when suddenly Bigfoot crashes through your backyard fence and knocks you to the ground with a crushing hammer fist blow. He grabs you by the ankle and drags you into the pool […]
Springfield XD Mod.2 for Home Defense
by Joshua Gillem The Springfield XD Mod.2 is an accurate adaptation of the already well-designed XD handgun that has been around for years. The Mod.2 offers several key upgrades to make it one of the best handguns on the market today.
How to Choose a Home Defense Gun for Beginners
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts If you are new to firearms, or new to the defensive use of firearms, and you wish to purchase a firearm for the defense of your home, you likely have a lot of questions and no shortage of people happy to give you some advice.
How to Carry a Gun in Your Car
How to Carry a Gun in Your Car by Joshua Gillem The best way to carry a concealed weapon is on your person no matter where you are. Personally, my sidearm never leaves my body unless I’m going to a post office or any other place that doesn’t allow firearms on site. I recommend that […]
The Mossberg Blaze 47 for Home Defense
by Joshua Gillem The surprisingly accurate Mossberg Blaze 47 is nothing more than an AK styled rifle chambered in .22LR. The rifle can hold 10 or 26 rounds, depending on the magazine chosen, and comes with a few options to help you customize it further.
How to Safely Obtain Firearms Experience
This is a guest post by Tim Randolph Firearms Experience Home defense and proper handgun training, aren’t factors to be taken lightly. The possibility of home invasion is real regardless of where you live, and having a gun in the home, kept safe and secured but accessible in case of emergencies, can mean the difference […]
The Disabled and Home Defense
by Home Defense Gun Staffer Travis The Disabled and Home Defense We live in a world that has an unfortunate amount of predators in it. Fortunately these two legged vermin are rare when compared to the rest of the populace, but they are still predators we should be aware of. Predators makes them sound dangerous, […]
How to Choose Home Defense Ammunition
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts If you are new to firearms or new to the defensive use of firearms, the staggering variety of home defense ammunition available to you may be overwhelming. There are boxes with eagles and bears and holograms and flags. Every one of them is imprinted with numbers and […]
The Scout Rifle
The idea of a general purpose rifle for hunting and home defense is good one. The scout rifle concept was developed by Jeff Cooper in the early 1980s. Cooper’s idea was to make “a handy, light instrument that will do a great many things equally well..”
Lehigh Controlled Fracturing Bullet Review
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts The Fracas Over Fracturing Lately, the Internet has been positively afire with fierce debate about the Lehigh Defense Controlled Fracturing Bullets. The camps are divided much like the ancient tribes of 9mm and .45 ACP. While this feud is relatively new, battle lines are drawn, the trenches […]
Is Newer Really Better with Bullets?
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts There have been some significant advances in bullet technology over the last three or four decades, especially in regards to handgun bullets. The research that led to these advances may have been spurred in large part by the concealed carry movement but it was also motivated by […]
Rossi M92 Review
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts There is simply no denying that part of the reason we buy lever action rifles is that they are fun to shoot. Sure, they are practical. Yes, they are reliable, short, light, well balanced, and quick handling. But be honest: when you shuck that action it just […]
Talking to Your Children About Guns
It’s very important to talk to your children about guns. How to handle them. What to do, what not to do. What to do if a friend starts doing something stupid. The thing is that just like sex if you don’t talk to your children they are going to learn it somewhere else, television, movies, […]
What to Do With a Bedside Gun
What should you do with a bedside gun? The idea of having a bedside gun so that if you hear a bump in the night you can clear the house sounds good. It’s just not very practical or safe.
Weapon Mounted Lights
Unless you have some sort of superhuman powers and can see at night you need some sort of light for home defense. The question is whether you want a weapon mounted light or a hand held light. There are arguments for either one. The weapons mounted light will always be there. You can open doors, […]
Big Bore Lever Action Rifles
Big Bore Lever Action Rifles This is a guest post by Andrew Betts Cars too fast, girls too pretty, and a defensive firearm that is too powerful. Do such things even exist? When it comes to the defensive use of a firearm, we want to stop the bad guy and we want him to stop […]
How to Defend Against a Home Invasion
First of all, you never want a home invasion to happen. Please do all the steps you can keep them outside your door. Take a look at our posts on situational awareness and physical security.
Lever Action Rifles for Home Defense
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts You’ve got to admit that at the very least lever action carbines are seven gallons of fun in a five gallon bucket. It is a real joy to shuck that lever, ring steel and launch empties. It is difficult to explain but easy to understand, if you […]
Shotgun vs Pistol for Home Defense
There’s always a done of debate of shotgun vs pistol for home defense. Stopping power, penetration, ballistics all come into the discussion.
NFA Devices for Home Defense
This is a guest post by Andrew Betts NFA Devices for Home Defense The problem with opinions is that people who really don’t have any clue what they’re talking about are happy to offer one. They’ll just repeat any old garbage that they’ve heard on a subject, no matter how ridiculous and unfounded.
Think Twice about Shotguns for Home Defense
Shotguns suck for home defense I know, I know there are going to be some comments about this post. For a lot of people, shotguns for home defense are either a love them or hate them proposition. In my opinion, a shotgun is not a bad weapon for home defense. However, it’s not necessarily the […]
Can I Use Deadly Force to Defend My Home?
Using deadly force is a situation I don’t wish on anyone. Deciding when to is a decision you are going to have to make in a matter of seconds if not quicker.