Reprinted with permission from What piqued your interest in getting your permit to concealed carry? Are you freaking out about riots springing up and want to have a fighting chance to defend yourself? Or are you traveling for work and want to protect yourself no matter where you are? For me, I like to […]
How Serious Should We Take Home Defense?
This is a guest post by Rose Cabrera Home security should never be taken lightly. In fact, with crime rates continuously increasing and burglars getting a lot smarter, people should start upgrading their home defense. Although having a security system at home can help keep your home safe, it’s still not wise to rely on […]
How To Improve Situational Awareness
The most successful gunfight is the one you’re never in. Practicing good situational awareness is your your first line of defense in avoiding a critical situation. Way too many people wander around without a clue as to what is going on around them. You should keep aware of who and what is going on in […]
Staying Safe at Gas Stations
Do you know why gas stations are known as “stop and robs?” The same qualities that make them convenient for a quick stop to get gas also make them tactically easy to rob and get away from.
Everyday Combative Mind
This is a guest post by Cory Monroe I frequently find myself being asked by students in my pistol courses questions about equipment. What type of gun should I get? Is a revolver OK? Ammunition types etc. While these are all very good base questions that I’m glad to see any of my students asking, […]
The Will to Survive
Now remember, when things look bad and it looks like you’re not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. ‘Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That’s just the way it is.- Outlaw Jose Wales You have to have the […]
Training Your Body for Home Defense
By Home Defense Gun Staffer Travis Being in the Fight Gun owners who take serious considerations about their safety and home defense often attempt to train in a dynamic way. To prepare and ready themselves for any violent event that may happen in their lives.
Issuing a Challenge
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester I think a lot of people who carry a concealed weapon are under the false pre-tense that if they actually have to draw their handgun, it will be a certain shooting situation. Firearms are used for personal defense hundreds of times a day in the US alone […]
Concealed Carry Versus Open Carry
This is guest post by John Pemberton Concealed Carry versus Open Carry If you are carrying for personal defense, you should carry concealed. As an average citizen, the benefits of carrying a firearm concealed far outweighs the benefits of carrying a handgun for the world to see.
What You Should Know Post Shooting
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester The Post Shooting Immediate Aftermath When we talk about personal defense, self-defense and shooting situations, most of the discussions I read online or conversations with people rarely include the possibility that you will be injured or severely wounded as a result of an encounter. Whether it be […]
Stay Alert Stay Alive
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Stay Alert Stay Alive When we deploy with our Special Response Team, prior to creating a breach point or a dynamic entry, they deploy (usually several) distraction devices to cover the movements, and to confuse the direction of the intrusion. A distracted opponent makes it easy to […]
Trusting Your Intuition
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Trusting Your Intuition Everyone is equipped with a unique early warning radar deep inside of them that has been described many different ways. Some call it a “gut feeling,” others call it, “instinct,” or a “sixth sense.” Regardless of the name you assign it, and for the […]
How to Be More Aware
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Anticipation Behavior Your eyes feed a constant stream of data to your brain allowing you to perceive events that occurred micro seconds in the past. Yes, you are all living in the past and there is scientific proof! Your eyes gather the light reflecting off of objects […]
Training for Success
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester The ability to respond to threats quickly and effectively is based on pattern recognition or schemas. A schema is a “scenario,” or a pattern of events your brain recognizes based on training, experience or pre-programmed mental rehearsals. Having a host of these developed patterns or schemas gives […]
Couples Carry – CCW and Your Spouse
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Couples Carry – CCW and Your Spouse As times become unpredictable and criminals are emboldened by weak laws and corrupt politicians, concealed carry of a firearm is rapidly rising across the nation. The fact that Americans are starting to take active self-protection measures is encouraging.
Why You Need an Offensive Mindset
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Offensive Mindset Perspectives Too often when thinking about personal protection we focus on the defensive aspect. We talk about being ready to defend yourself and those you love and we have a plan to defend our homes. I think this is a misconception that is going to […]
What To Wear for Concealed Carry
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Personal Protection – Beyond the waistline, what to wear for concealed carry When talking about self-defense and personal protection, an awful lot of attention is devoted to the waist line. Let’s face it, that’s where we carry the most important tool in our arsenal. Be it appendix […]
When to Draw Your Firearm
It’s always a judgement call to know when to draw your firearm either in a concealed carry situation or a gun in your home. There are a hundred things going through your mind and a second or two to make a decision.
Setting Personal Protection Standards
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester We set standards so we have a benchmark of what we would like to achieve in life. Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly evaluating things in your life based upon standards you set and measure yourself against to determine success. You set […]
Tactical or Tacti-cool
This a guest post by Scott Sylvester The word tactical gets thrown around a lot these days. From firearms accessories, clothing, vehicles, and training courses, this word gets used, misused and if you add it as a prefix to something you are selling, you can automatically charge $10 more… because it’s tactical!
Home Defense Tactics
The definition of tactics is an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. Home defense tactics are what you plan to do in order to survive.
The Tueller Drill
The Tueller drill is also known as the 21 foot drill. 21 feet is the distance that most people call close in as far as self defense purposes. It only takes a determined attacker 1.5 seconds to cover 21 feet. It is a drill that trains you to get your weapon out in time.
Being Aware
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester. Scanning for Information and Being Aware Often things happen right before our eyes and we don’t even see them. How many times in your life have you looked at your watch and a second later realize that you do not know what time it is?
What You Need to Know about Home Defense Mindset
This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Pre-battle Home Defense Mindset When I founded my firearms training company I set out to educate my students in the principle that the mind itself is the ultimate weapon. As a long time practitioner of martial arts, a defensive tactics instructor, a firearms trainer, and a deputy […]