A weak link in your home invasion prevention is your children. Without training and practice, children are probably one of the easiest ways for home invaders to enter your home.
Children are naturally helpful. Home invades know this and will exploit it to gain access.
Take a look at this video.If you have been reading this blog for awhile, you know that first thing is don’t answer the door at night and even during the day you should use the peephole or a side window.
If you haven’t talked to your kids (or maybe even your spouse) they don’t know this lesson.
Here’s an excerpt from our new guide – The Complete Home Defense Guide:
“When someone knocks on the door or rings the doorbell always verify who they are before opening it. This is most commonly done by using the peep hole or a window on the door. Some people take this a step further and install cameras rigged to a monitor or smart phone.Do not grant access to someone you do not know. If the person (or persons) refuses to leave, call 9-1-1 and prepare to defend yourself from a potential attack.”
Your family’s safety begins with training with for the whole family. Teach them how to answer the door and what part they should play in your home defense.
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