This is a guest post by Joseph Gleason
Choosing a handgun is a very personal decision. One that only you can decide as it needs to perfectly fit in your hand, be small and light enough for you to carry. There are a lot of options out there so here are some tips to help you choose one. It could be a daunting experience if this is your first gun.
What is the purpose of the gun?
Understanding the need for the handgun will save a lot of time for you and the sales staff at the gun shop. Some handguns are multipurpose and can be used for many things.
Is your gun going to be in a lockbox under your bed? Or will it be in your handbag discreetly as you carry out your daily duties? If so the Glock 26 will be the perfect gun for you. It is small enough to fit in your handbag discreetly. Do you need a holographic laser to help you with accuracy? Answering these questions will narrow down to a smaller number of guns which will make selecting a gun simpler.You may sometimes choose to wear the gun on your waist on the weekends then the IWB Holsters are perfect for activities such as horse riding and outdoor activities.
Take extra care when purchasing a used gun
Guns are expensive and buying a used gun might have crossed your mind. If you are thinking of getting a used gun, get it from a reputable gun shop. Used guns are usually traded in to buy a new gun or for cash.
Gun shops usually have an expert to check for gun issues but there are some problems that they can’t pick up through visual inspection such as malfunctioning internal mechanisms, accuracy of the shoot and ammunition reliability issues. If you are seriously considering a used gun, go to a reputable dealer.
Look for Handguns that use Common Calibers
Some handgun calibers are hard to find and some are expensive to buy. If you are buying a gun for defense, in particular, the last thing you want is to run out of ammunition. Especially if you are new hand gun owner, that will make you nervous and unsettled.
Trust your hands
With so many options out there and with so many contradictory information about various models of guns the best way to go is to trust your hands. What feels go in your hand will not feel good in someone else’s hand due to the shape of the hand, strength, and size. The buttons etc might be too far apart or too close together hence it’s best to try and trust the feel of the gun in your hand.
Avoid guns with Strange Brand Names
There are some cowboys out there so beware of guns with unknown brand names. Stick with the standard American brands. The other brands are made in China and are of inferior quality and will not save your life in an emergency. They break easily and crack at the most important places. Therefore, be aware and only stick with the brands you know.
Compare Prices
Now that you roughly know which handgun you are after, go online and search the web for prices and compare them against the local gunshop you went to. Ask your shop if they will do a price match otherwise, place an order through the internet.
BEWARE: Make sure you are buying a genuine product from the US and not from China.
Take Your Time
Buying a gun is an expensive venture so why wouldn’t you take your time. Take your time to research, talk to as many gun dealers as possible. Don’t buy just because there’s a bargain on, bargains are on all the time. You can’t undo a purchase of a gun so it will be a big hole in the pocket if the gun didn’t suit you. Preparation and research are the keys to buying your gun.In Conclusion
There needs to be a lot of preparation work done before buying a gun as you need to determine the purpose of the gun. Once the purpose is determined, only then can you start looking around for a suitable gun. The important thing to remember is to shop around, try various guns to see how they fit in your hands as ultimately the decision should be based on how they fit in your hand. Stay away from unknown brands.
Joseph Gleason is the founder of Captain Hunter. We provide guides on how to hunt effectively, answer reader questions, and reviews of the latest hunting gear. We specialize in providing expert information that does exactly what it claims.
Our dedicated staff members are each seasoned professionals with a passion for hunting built upon years of in the field experience.
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