The other day a democrat was mocking the general concern about Obama being the next Adolf Hitler, arguing : “This could never happen here. Congress and the Supreme Court would never allow the rise of dictatorship on U.S. soil.”
This cancer of thought has eaten away more than 3 quarters of all Americans who fail to see that Obama is almost there, just a few executive orders away from being an absolute ruler.
When he took office, almost 7 years ago, he issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum, using it ever since to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders than any other U.S. president.
Like executive orders, presidential memoranda don’t require action by Congress. Some of his most totalitarian decisions have come not by executive order but by presidential memoranda.
Obama’s presidential mandate declares that he and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly draft American citizens into the military.
Executive Order 11921 allows the FEMA to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and flow of money in the U.S.A. financial institution in any undefined national emergency.
The word throughout Europe is that Barack Obama is not America’s savior, but the man who will take the United States into a new era of World Government.
When I heard on the news Russia is calling Obama the last American President, it sent a shivering chill down my spine.
The United States is now moving into some very dark territory and confidence has been shaken.
All that’s missing now from Obama’s plan is the right pretext to declare Martial Law and seize America and Americans in the blink of an eye.
According to this touching video that really blows the whistle on Obama’s secret plans, it looks like all that Obama is waiting for… is a declaration of war from Russia.
One thing is for sure, we are heading with lightning speed towards a war between the world’s most powerful dictators… Obama and Putin.
For the American citizen, it doesn’t matter who will win, our old way of life will be lost forever… and this incredible material explains it beyond a reasonable doubt.