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Discover the Secrets to Keeping Safe at Home and On the Street


From: Mike Martel, Home Defense Gun


Would you like to know how to keep your family and yourself safe either at home or on the street?


Are you worried you are not doing the right things to defend against burglars, home invaders, carjackers, and the others who want to do you and your family harm?


How would it feel to know you have put in place solid, proven techniques for safety and security?
If it would feel good, you’ll love what I’m doing!


There are 2 parts to this:

  1. On Saturday the 29th of August, I’m going to hold a LIVE call-in training where I will give you the EXACT plan for stay safe at home and on the street.
  2. The best part – just show up and I’ll personally consult you on YOUR plan – I’ll give you ideas, how to approach your own special circumstances and even answer questions.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

  • Personal Safety at Home
  • Personal Security on the Street
  • Physical Self Defense Tactics
  • How to Resist Rape
  • How to Prevent Auto Thefts and Carjacking
  • and much more

Here’s what you will get if you attend the training:

  • A better sense of awareness of what to do and what not to do
  • What to tell your family to do to make them safer
  • The knowledge and satisfaction that you are doing the right things to stay safe and secure

Now, here’s the thing, this isn’t for everyone.

If you aren’t ready to take action and put what I’m going to teach in practice, this may not be for you.

If you want to sit back and just talk about safety and security, then don’t waste your money.

But if it is for you, let’s get you signed up, cause I’m running this as a warrior special offer, so the price will go up each time someone enrolls.
This training is easily worth over $100 – and in fact, I’ve charged between $88 and $1000 for classes to teach folks these kinds of things –
But for this one-time class on Saturday, August 29th, you’ll invest just:



Here’s the thing, you can do nothing and then nothing will change. You will be no safer than you were before.

…or you can take action, learn some tips and techniques to do right now and be better off immediately.

The choice is yours.



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