Rawdog Tactical IWB Holster Review

This is a guest post by Andrew Bettsrawdog

If you have been carrying a gun for more than a couple years, you probably have a drawer full of holsters. Some of them are great and get worn almost every day. Some are specialized and you may only use them if you are camping or cycling. You may even have some pretty ones that you get out for a barbecue. And of course you probably have some that are just garbage.

Maybe I’m atypical, but most of the ones that I have that are garbage are various clip on designs. It is difficult to get a clip on holster just right. There are some significant design compromises that have to be made when you make a clip on. Raw dog got it right.

First, it is important to point out that a holster like this is not designed with comfort as the first priority. When you choose to have a single anchor point to the belt, you have chosen to make convenience the primary consideration.

That isn’t a dig against them. It is just a recognition of the fact that there are tradeoffs in design. That said, this holster is positively the most comfortable clip on holster I’ve ever worn and it is one of the most comfortable IWB holsters. The only holster that beats it is my Crossbreed Supertuck, which is a real pain to put on and take off. Not something that you can do discretely in your car as you pull into the parking lot at work.

The Rawdog holster is perfect if you want something that is easy to put on and take off. It won’t come loose unintentionally, either. Often, clip on holsters have clips that are not aggressive enough or the holster body isn’t dished out enough to allow room for the belt, but the Rawdog holster grabs hold of the belt hard and does not let go until you pull the clip away from the belt.

The retention is adjustable and the hybrid design combines the better features of both leather and kydex. Perhaps the most attractive feature is the price. $40 is very reasonable for a well-made holster like this one. For that price, you will not get a custom, embossed leather masterpiece, but you will get a light, thin, comfortable, and convenient holster that will keep your gun where you need it discretely.


Andrew Betts served with the Arizona National Guard for over 12 years, including a tour to Afghanistan. Visit his YouTube Channel for more great shooting information.

Photo credit – Raw Dog Tactical

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