By survival, preparedness, and firearms expert, David Morris
If you consider firearms as a vital part of your preparations, but can’t afford to shoot as much as you’d like, I feel your pain.
Between the cost of ammo, range time, (sometimes) fuel to get there and back, and the time that it takes to get stuff ready before hand and get stuff cleaned and lubed when you get done, it’s hard for shooters to get as much trigger time as they know they need.
Add to that the fact that I don’t really want people to know how much I shoot or how well I shoot, and I used to find myself in a dilemma of how to continually train to maintain and improve my shooting skills while maintaining some privacy and not breaking the bank.Which is why I researched and wrote the book, “Tactical Firearms Training Secrets.” where I share many of the most powerful low cost and free training techniques that military special ops, police SWAT, and competitive shooters, including Olympians choose to use…even though they have virtually unlimited training budgets.
With that in mind, I want to share one of my favorite at-home training techniques from the book with you that will allow you to maintain (and probably DRAMATICALLY improve) your shooting skills quickly, quietly and inexpensively.
It’s called, “Eyes-shut dryfire.” It’s not an incredibly creative name, as you’ll soon see, but it IS incredibly powerful.
It should go without saying that you should follow all of the rules of safe dry-fire training, but, unfortunately, I have to say them, just in case:
1. Make sure to get proper live, in-person training from a qualified firearms instructor…even before dry firing.2. Always double check that your firearm is unloaded. this should include both a visible confirmation and a physical confirmation (with a finger.) If you are training with more than one person, every person should AT LEAST double check the firearm.
3. Make sure that you do not have any live ammo in the room where you are practicing your dry-fire drills.
4. Make sure of your backstop…don’t dry-fire towards a room with people in it. Don’t dry-fire towards a sheet rock wall facing your neighbor’s house. Don’t dry-fire towards a big screen TV. This can make finding a location to practice dry-fire a little difficult, but negligence with a firearm can be incredibly costly.
5. If you have them, use dummy training rounds. These are not “dum-dum” rounds that explode…they’re inert rounds that have no primer or gunpowder in them that are made specifically for training.
6. Even better, if you have it, use a replica, trainer, or airsoft firearm that matches your real firearm.7. YOU are responsible for everything that you do with a firearm. These tips are only examples of things that you may want to consider doing after careful review. You should only train with a firearm after live, in-person, professional instruction, which this is not, and anything bad that happens as a result of using these or any other techniques is all on you.
OK…now on to the training exercise.
Basically, the goal is create muscle memory so that you automatically aim your firearm at your target as you are presenting it from a holster or ready position.
This technique works with any firearm and is amazingly simple to do:
- Holster your firearm or, in the case of a rifle or shotgun, put it in a ready position.
- Pick out a spot on a wall/bookshelf/etc. across the room or 10-20 feet away if you’re outside.
- Shut your eyes. <<This is the key!
- Present your firearm and aim at the spot while keeping your eyes closed.
- Open your eyes.
- Correct your aim, paying attention to how it feels.
- Repeat.
Practice this technique aiming at targets directly in front of you, at angles, with both one and two hands, and with both your dominant and secondary hand. (Don’t call it “weak”)
It won’t take very long at all to see what a difference your grip has on your natural point of aim and how much this drill will improve your shooting ability. In many cases, it only takes 3-5 minutes to see noticeable, and oftentimes dramatic improvements. To improve your consistency, try to concentrate on using the exact same grip every time you present your firearm.
By developing a consistent grip and presentation of your firearm that automatically puts the point of aim at your intended target without having to wiggle it around or think about it, you can shave several fractions of a second off of the time it takes you to fire an accurate first shot under stress.
This is one of my favorite dry-fire techniques and it is just the tip of the iceberg of the high speed, low cost, low visibility techniques that I cover in my book, Tactical Firearms Training Secrets.
Let us know in the comments what your favorite training techniques are.
David Morris, AKA SurvivalDave, is one of the few survival authors who won’t try to “wow” you with his credentials. Why? Because frankly, his credentials don’t matter. Survival “experts” are a dime a dozen, but what’s rare and valuable is David’s ability to take complex survival topics and write about them in such a way that you can actually start applying the knowledge and skills immediately on a daily basis. David doesn’t live in a yurt or on a fully stocked rural retreat. He lives in the real world in a city with a wife and young kids. As a result, he has worked with dozens of subject matter experts to develop strategies to survive breakdowns in civil order while remaining in the city. David is one of a select group of authors can write so that both newbie preppers and hard core survivalists with military and law enforcement experience rave about his work and learn something new on every page. Check out his book Tactical Firearms Training Secrets here.
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