Home Defense Gun staffer Ashely has a video on a woman’s guide to choosing a handgun. I like how they talk about what a woman thinks about and what is important and what is not.
Range Bags for Ladies
Range Bags for Ladies Home Defense Gun staffer Ashely shows us what is in her range bag and that of her husband.
7 Considerations for Buying a Handgun for a Woman
We’ve talked before that men and women are different and have different needs and considerations when buying a handgun for women.
How to Teach a Woman to Shoot
I will go ahead and say it – men and women think differently. I am not saying one is better than the other. Just that when you teach a woman to shoot you should go about it differently than a man.
How to Protect Your Family from a Home Invasion
by Home Defense Gun Staffer Bob Home Invasion – Lessons from a former Bounty Hunter It has been said many times that bounty hunters aren’t that much different from the people they chase. Back when I was a bounty hunter I always took umbrage with that idea, but looking back on it — yeah, there […]
Teaching Kids to Shoot
By Home Defense Gun Staffer Bob Teaching Kids to Shoot Last hunting season my niece took her first elk. Now, I’ve always had a hard time admitting that she’s changing from the little girl in pigtails who makes her uncle attend tea parties and is approaching adulthood. The fact that her parents and the State […]