Archives for April 2014

Home Defense Loads

Home Defense Loads On our first Home Defense Gun video, Bob talks about how bullet load can affect recoil, point of impact, and point of aim.

Want to Shoot More Accurately?

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Want to Shoot More Accurately? Train When It’s Hard. In the first three months of 2014 we have seen some pretty extreme weather across the United States. Just on the Left Coast we have had summer, spring and freezing downpours all within a matter of weeks. My […]

What is the Best First Handgun for a Woman

One of the big questions we get is what is a the best first handgun for a woman. Well it can depend on a few things.  The size of the woman, her experiences with firearms, where she lives, etc.

How to Teach a Woman to Shoot

I will go ahead and say it – men and women think differently. I am not saying one is better than the other. Just that when you teach a woman to shoot you should go about it differently than a man.

Hunting Guns for Home Defense

by Home Defense Gun Staffer Bob Hunting Guns for Home Defense I’m not trying to say buying guns isn’t a great hobby. Heck, I love to buy guns. Sometimes it seems like I’m better at buying them than using them. I have all the hallmarks of an avid gun buyer, including my own coffee cup […]

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