Teaching Others to Shoot Safely

You take on additional responsibility when you teach others to shoot. Part of that is learning how to shoot safely for both them, you and others on the range.

Domesticating the Kalashnikov

This is a guest post by Andrew Betts Kalashnikov pattern rifles are a boat load of fun to shoot and they are solid choices for zombie, NORK, or ISIS invasions but everybody knows that an AK is a bad choice for home defense, right? They have terrible ergonomics, few optic mounting  options, and their ammunition […]

Getting Started Shooting a Revolver

  It can be a little intimidating getting started shooting a revolver. The can look a little old school and while in reality they are quite simple the mechanics are different from a semi auto.

Drawing from a Holster

To get good at drawing from a holster you need consistency. You want to do the same thing every time.

The Fruit Cocktail Rocket

This is a guest post by Andrew Betts “Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.” That’s the fourth rule of firearm safety according to the blessed prophet Col. Jeff Cooper (peace be upon him). I thought I was sure of my target before I squeezed the trigger on a swollen can of […]

Training for Success

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester The ability to respond to threats quickly and effectively is based on pattern recognition or schemas. A schema is a “scenario,” or a pattern of events your brain recognizes based on training, experience or pre-programmed mental rehearsals. Having a host of these developed patterns or schemas gives […]

Why Going to the Range is a Waste of Time

Going to the range is a waste of time, at least for most people. What happens is that they go out with their ammo that they paid  a load of money for, pay the range fees and do what they always do at the range.

Doing a CCW Check

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Doing a Pre-Flight CCW Check If you carry a (semi-auto) handgun on a daily basis, you need to remember that it is a finely tuned machine that requires a certain amount of maintenance and care to function. We want to make sure we take proper care of […]

Long Gun Retention

You need to practice long gun retention. The last thing you want is to have your rifle and shotgun taken away from you and potentially used against you and your family. It’s easier said than done. Clearing a building with a long gun gives a threat a good opportunity to wait around a corner and […]

Revolvers for Self Defense

Wheel Guns are Real Guns When Clint Smith recommends revolvers for self defense people should listen. Clint is one of the national experts on defensive shooting in the country and runs Thunder Ranch.

Self-Defense Handgun Practice

By Home Defense Gun staffer Bob The Importance of Self-Defense Handgun Practice One of the first things a person learns after they buy a home defense gun is the absolute necessity of practice. Regardless of what it looks like in the movies it’s pretty darn tough to shoot a pistol well. Personally, I’ve always been […]

Close Quarter Shooting

When you are up close and personal to the threat, you really need to have your close quarter shooting techniques down. The last thing you want is for the threat to injure you, take your gun away or even you shooting yourself.

How to Shoot Better

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Stare – Study – Steal In the majority of my articles I discuss the importance of training, reasons why you need to train regularly, and how to find quality trainers. While taking a course from a local certified instructor is very important, as is practicing what you […]

How to Load a Magazine

Now how to load a magazine might seem like something you don’t have to think about when going out to the range. If you want to get full value out of your training time and money, then you should read this and watch the video we found.

Another Way to Think About Muscle Memory

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Training is Insulation (Developing Muscle Memory) I’m constantly fascinated by how delicately intricate, yet powerful the human brain is. When I began my journey of becoming a teacher / trainer I never expected to find myself studying neurology. While becoming a brain surgeon is very low on […]

How to Manage Recoil

It would be really easy if when you shot a gun it just didn’t move. The trouble is that it doesn’t. You have to learn how to manage recoil. Now recoil isn’t something you have to be afraid of. You just have to acknowledge it’s going to occur and learn to handle it or manage […]

How to Shoot in a Car

How to shoot in a car when carrying concealed can be tricky. You have a lot to deal with – cramped quarters, seat belts, etc.

How to Introduce Your Girl to Shooting

How to Introduce Your Girl to Shooting If you are one of the guys out there who like to shoot, it is a really good idea to introduce your lady to the shooting lifestyle. That way you and her can enjoy some time together and you can make sure she can defend herself if need […]

What To Wear for Concealed Carry

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester Personal Protection – Beyond the waistline, what to wear for concealed carry When talking about self-defense and personal protection, an awful lot of attention is devoted to the waist line. Let’s face it, that’s where we carry the most important tool in our arsenal. Be it appendix […]

Should You Use a Shoulder Holster?

Shoulder holsters seem a bit old school these days. You don’t see them around much. Well, that’s sort of the idea, if someone is carrying properly you won’t see them.

CCW at Work

Should you carry your CCW at work?  That is a tough question.

How to Clean Pistol Magazines

Many people spend a lot of time learning to how to clean their firearm, but don’t know how to clean pistol magazines. Of course you know that the magazine is a key part of the firearm and if you don’t take care of them will let you down when you need it.

Active Shooter & Concealed Carry

This is a guest post by Scott Sylvester I’ve been absent for a couple of weeks now, partially because I spent a week at a training course on responding to active shooter incidents. While this course was designed for law enforcement officers, there are many similarities in the way you as a concealed carry citizen […]

How to Hold Your Hands for Close Shooting Situations

I finally found a good video on how to hold your hands for close shooting situations. I did this same kind of training while on my CQB team in Special Forces.

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